4.764 Ha Agricultural and Livestock Farm in Cerro Largo

4.764 Ha Agricultural and Livestock Farm in Cerro Largo

4.764 Ha Agricultural and Livestock Farm in Cerro Largo

    $4.708,00U$S 4.708/Ha
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    • Date added: Added 9 months ago


    • Description:

      Type: Agriculture and cattle breeding:

      The whole of Uruguay is mapped into different soil types, which means that the soils are divided into different quality levels, the so-called "CONEAT index". Productivity is then measured in this index. The average index for soils is 100. Poor soils have a low index and might be better suited for forestry. Land with a CONEAT score of 80 to 120 is mostly grassland suitable for cattle. CONEAT over 120 is usually suitable for intensive cultivation of most plants. “Prime” arable land for wheat could have an index of 150.

      In this case, from the total area, about 40% of the area is between 140 and 160 CONEAT Index soils, suitable as arable land or grain, soybean cultivation, etc.

      At present, the distance to the nearest port plays a big role due to the transportation factor. The project "Hidrovia Laguna Merin" (Waterway Laguna Merin) is in planning, so that the transport factor would improve significantly. For reference, areas with equivalent soils near a port are worth an average of US$10,000. This is the reason why this object was mainly used for cattle breeding.

      In 1979, French families acquired the agricultural estate named “Establecimiento Los Mimbres S.A.”,  covering 3,892 hectares at kilometer 429 of National Road 8 in Cerro Largo Department, Uruguay.

      The property was in poor condition with overgrown fields and a very small livestock population of 2,000 cattle and 1,500 sheep.

      Since the property was purchased, a complete cycle program has been developed for the cattle and crossbreeds have been made with the Hereford, Chianina, Angus, Limousin, RedPoll and, from 2006, Wagyu breeds.


      Price/ha: U$S 4.708/U$S 5.250 (Walk-In Walk-Out )

      Commission: 3% + VAT

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